
Sunday, January 28, 2018


But centuries ago, it has been mentioned in our ancient texts, in the Skand Puran :

दशपुत्र-समाकन्या, दशपुत्रान् प्रवर्धयन्
यत फलम्  लभते मRर्य:, तत् लभ्यम् कन्यकैकया ॥

This means, a daughter is the equivalent of ten sons. The ‘Punya’ that you earn through ten sons amounts to the same earned through just one daughter. This underscores the importance that has been given to women in our society. And that is why, in our society, women have been accorded the status of ‘Shakti’. This woman power binds closely together society as a whole, the family as a whole, on the axis of unity & oneness.
