
Friday, January 30, 2015

Six Names of Six Faces / Functions of Each

Siva then said that as the
  1. Son of the celestial beings who fed him, he would known as Kartikeya.

  2. As Agni’s son he will be known as Mahasena.
  4. As Ganga’s son he would be known as Kumara.

  5. As Parvati’s son he would be known as Skanda.

  6. As the forest Saravana’s son he would be known as Saravana.

  7. Finally, “he will be known as my son in the name of Guha.”

Therefore Murugan was born with six names and six faces.

The sacred functions of Murugan as having six faces are described as thus :
  • One face sheds rays of Light and removes the dense darkness shrouding the world;
  • One face with gracious look lovingly showers boons on his devotees who praise Him with Love and Joy;
  • One face watches over the sacrifices of the Brahmans who perform them without deviating from the strict Vedic traditions;
  • One face like full moon, which brightens all the quarters of the world, lights the sages' minds to enable them to search for hidden Truth;
  • One face with raging heart performs battle-sacrifice-destroy His enemies and
  • One face smiles lovingly on His young consort, the pretty daughter of the hunting tribe

Monday, January 12, 2015

North to South

In North India :- He is Kumara Swami. 

In Tamil nadu :-He is Murugan 

In Andra and Karnataka:- He is Subrmanyam 

In Kerala:-He is Karthikeyan 

In Sri Lanka (Yaazhpaanam):- He is Kadhir Velan. 

He is worshipped in Singapore--Kola Lampur,Malaysia, 

Kumārila Bhaṭṭa


Kumārasambhava / Kataragama

Subramanya / Abhishekam / Video

Only Diety who knows fully the meaning of Brahmam--So His name is Su+Braman+Yam=Subramanyam.

1 Gengely Oil - Good Health
2 Rice Flour - Relief from Debts
3 Abishega Koottu - Cure from Aliments
4 Saffron Powder - Attractive look
5 Holy water - Prosperity
6 Panchakaviyam - Purity
7 Panchamirtham - Success
8 Ghee - Salvation
9 Milk - Long life
10 Milk Curd - Blessed with children
11 Honey - Health, Intelligence & Music
12 Sugarcane Juice - Free from illness
13 brown sugar - Success over enemies
14 Banana Fruits - Good Crops
15 Mango Fruits - Blessed with children
16 Pomegranate Fruits - Calm down from anger
17 Oranges - Be Impartial
18 Lime Fruits - No fear of Death
19 Cooked Rice - Gift of a Kingdom
20 Young coconut water - Pleasures
21 Vibuthi rana shynal - Intelligence
22 Sandal Paste - Wealth
23 Kumkum - Prosperity
24 Scented Water - Free from fear
25 Sweet Rice - Free from Famine
26 Cooked with Ghee - Cure from ailments 

Incarnation of 6 Primary Gods

Murugan is incarnation of

  1. Lord Brahma, 
  2. Lord Vishnu, 
  3. Lord Shiva, 
  4. Lord Saraswathi, 
  5. Lord Lakshmi and 
  6. Lord Gowri 

Subrahmanya represents the combination of six heads and twelve hands holds in his hands
  1. Shakthi, 
  2. Vajrayudha, 
  3. trident , 
  4. sword , 
  5. protecting symbol, 
  6. Shield, 
  7. Bow, 
  8. holy wheel , 
  9. rope , 
  10. cock , 
  11. goad and 
  12. symbol of boonteaches us that the ideal humanity is the perfect being who is not only a perfect yogi but also a great worker.

having the power of all the six Gods mentioned above and gives

  1. Knowledge, 
  2. Money, 
  3. Potency, and 
  4. the Power to succeed in any good endeavor.

Subrahmanya represents highest state to which a spiritual aspirant can evolve.
Etymologically Subrahmanya means ‗one who tends to spiritual growth of aspirants‘.

His six heads represent the five sense organs and the mind, which coordinates the
activities. When these are controlled, refined and sublimated man becomes a superman.

According to Yoga psychology, there are six centers of psychic energy.
1. They are Moolaadhaara(at the anus),
2. Svaadhishthaana (at the root of the sex organ),
3. Manipoora (at the navel),
4. Anaahata ( at the region of the heart),
5. Visuddha (at the throat),
6. Aajnaa (between the eye brows), Murugan Was Ray Born From Here of Shiva)
Perfect state of Consciousness Within Body
7. Sahasraara (at the top of the head) which is the destination for this energy.
(Shiva Shakti Stage) - Perfect state of Consciousness Without Body

When the yogi successfully raises his psychic energy to this top-most center he has a vision of Sivasakti.

The six heads indicate that he is the Source of
1. Six Vedanga and
2. six schools of philosophy.
3. Six rays or attributes - wisdom, dispassion, strength, Fame, wealth meaning wisdom and divine powers.
The war imagery and the six heads of Kartikeya indicates that if humans wish to lead themselves efficiently through the battle of life, they must always be alert lest they are shown the wrong path by crafty people with the six demonic vices: 
  1. kaama (sex), 
  2. krodha (anger), 
  3. lobha (greed), 
  4. moha (passion), 
  5. mada (ego) and 
  6. matsarya (jealousy). 



Saturday, January 3, 2015


The word 'arOharA' is a shortened form of the phrase 'ara harO harA'. Its meaning is: 'Oh God Almighty, please remove our sufferings and grant us salvation'. 
